Sunday, December 21, 2014

Come Quick, 2015! ;)

Ga ada topik yang menarik, cuma mau update aja :)

Desember ini udah mau berakhir. Seperti kebanyakan orang lainnya, aku cukup excited menyambut akhir tahun :D

Tahun ini banyak banget kenangannya, aku ga pengen tahun ini cepet berakhir tapi aku pengen cepet-cepet tahun depan juga #loh? :v

Cepet tahun baru, berarti cepet menuju liburan, tapi artinya cepet menuju UAS juga (rintangan yang harus lebih dulu dilalui huft). Cepet tahun baru juga berarti cepet menuju KKN dan KKL (ga sabar, pasti seru!), tapi artinya cepet menuju semester 6 juga dan semakin dekat dengan skripsi -_- dilema emang, tapi biar gimanapun, ga peduli aku pengen cepet-cepet atau pengen lama-lama, "waktu" tetep ga akan nurut sama aku kan -_-

KKL akan dilaksanakan selama seminggu di awal Februari nanti dengan tujuan ke Malang dan Bali ^^ tadinya mau ke Singapore tapi ga jadi, gaya banget jurusanku emang :p lol

KKN akan dilaksanakan pada -mungkin- bulan Agustus nanti. Sebenernya sih harusnya bulan Januari, tapi karena awal Februari-nya ada KKL, dan KKN itu waktunya 30 hari alias satu bulan penuh, maka diundur KKNnya, takut bentrok :)

Btw ngomongin soal KKL dan KKN, kalian udah pada tau kan ya artinya? wkwk
KKL tuh Kuliah Kerja Lapangan, dan KKN tuh Kuliah Kerja Nyata. Aku aja gatau sih apa perbedaan pastinya -_- yang aku tau pasti itu KKL cuma seminggu, dan KKN itu sebulan #gubrak. wkwk

Hm... mungkin kalo KKL itu lebih ke observasi dan belajar gitu kali ya walo menurutku sih kayaknya lebih ke jalan-jalan, wkwk dan kalo KKN lebih kepada pengabdian masyarakat. Ya, di KKL nanti kami akan lebih banyak mengunjungi objek-objek wisata dan tempat-tempat sosial. Sedangkan di KKN nanti kami akan dikirim ke sebuah desa terpencil atau tertinggal di Indonesia (bisa sampe ke luar pulau!) untuk menjalankan sebuah progam yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sana :)

Dan kalo KKL itu dari jurusan, kalo KKN itu dari universitas :)

Pastinya, kedua hal itu akan seru sekali. Bisa dapet banyak pengalaman, dan mungkin teman baru :D Yeap, di KKN nanti kami memang akan dikelompokkan dengan mahasiswa/mahasiswi dari jurusan lain ^^

Aku udah pengalaman sih sama yang kayak gitu (satu kelompok sama orang-orang yang awalnya ga dikenal), awalnya emang canggung tapi lama-lama bisa jadi akrab loh (tergantung orangnya sih) :3 teman-teman kelompokku yang waktu itu aja malah jadi kayak keluarga ^^ walopun sekarang kami jadi sibuk dengan kegiatan kami masing-masing

Hah, ga sabar lah pokoknya > <

Selain itu, alasan lainnya aku ingin cepet tahun baru adalah karena aku mau melihat sesuatu (?) #ifyouknowwhatImean hhaha

Udah deh, mau ngerjain tugas dulu. See ya ;)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blogspot Vs WordPress

Since I used this two kinds of blog sites, I decided to make a review about the comparison between them. I won't say "this one is better than the other one" or anything similiar to that, I just want to tell you what's on my mind about them.

First, I'll be talking about Blogspot. This is the first site that I used to create a blog--the place where you are reading this now :p I made it on 2011, 3 years already. It's not weird if I knew this site well, then :) but not too well I guess, because I still don't know how to use some application like edit the code of CSS, and etc. It's not because I can't, it's just because I am lazy to learn about CSS xD Honestly, it's kind of dizzying--I have googled about how to use it, though.

Well, back to the topic. Blogspot is the most simple site to create a blog and it's also free! Although nowadays we can find many free sites to create a blog, but Blogspot is still the first option to create a blog for the beginners. In Blogspot you can easily create a new blog with many choice of designs. First, you can use the template design that Blogspot provided here, but then you can customize the design as you like. This is one of the superiority in this site, you can design it so freely as you want. Any colour that you want, any picture that you want, any application that you want like music and etc. All you need is just know how to add it on your blog, and you could find the answer easily in google, right? ;)

Beside that, you can follow any bloggers in Blogspot as you like so you can easily get their updates on your dashboard. It's a great site to share your minds, and also to make friends ^^

Nah, now I'll talk about Wordpress. At the first time, I have never thought that I'll create a blog in this site also. But I am a curious person, you know xD So here I am, I have two blogs now. Blogspot and WordPress. It's a bit more confusing for the beginners than Blogspot, maybe this is why many people started to create a blog in Blogspot instead of WordPress. But then you'll realize that WordPress is also a wonderful site to create a blog! The designs is so much more elegant than Blogspot. WordPress also have so many themes (or in Blogspot you can call it 'templates'). Unfortunately, you can't cuztomize the themes so freely like in Blogspot. You can't change the colour of the theme, the fonts of your writing, add the music widget and etc unless you have upgrade or pay for your blog. Don't worry, you can still have a cute and elegant design if you're smart enough to design it without paying, hhahaha. Some widgets and some application in this site is free too, but not at all. But once you upgrade it, you can fully taking control of your blog, and of course the designs.

However, I still think that WordPress is more elegant than Blogspot. In the matter of the designs and also the tools. And the other superiority for WordPress is that you can easily search and get recommended about other blogs in your newsfeed while in Blogspot you should know the blog address first. In WordPress you just need to type the keyword of the post or blog that you want to find :) Like I said before, WordPress is also a great site to share your minds, and also to make friends hhaha ^^

I can't say this one is better than that one, I also can't suggest you to use that one instead of this one, or etc. I believe you can choose it by yourself and I believe you have your own opinions :) Blogging is really fun, you know? If you are reading this and planning to make a blog, don't wait any longer. Let's do it now! If you confused and don't know how to use it, don't give up. You can easily learn it in the internet. Me also, I just learnt all about blogging by myself, so why you can't? :)

P/S: Let's take a look of my blog! (and don't forget to follow me :p)

1). My first blog (Blogspot)

2) My second blog (WordPress)

Well then, what do you think? :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

late post -.-

hello everyone ! i misseeed this blog so much.
long time havent update anything in here eh ? last post is on february 7.

i have been so busy lately. in a week, i can say that there's only one day for me to have a rest day: saturday.
monday until friday are my college days.
sunday and thursday i have work. yeah..finally i got a part time job to be a private english teacher ! :D
well..i know that my english is not extremely well for now but i dont want to lost this chance. however..i'll always learn and improve my english skill.
i realized that the best way to learn is by always practicing it and through this job..i can practice my english especially in teaching ^^
actually..i was so nervous at the first time. i have never taught other people before--except my little cousins and my friends--but this time i should teach a person that i really dont know. before..i wonder..hows this person ? will she be nice to me ? will she like my way of teaching ? how to teach her ? where should i start it ? etc etc.
but all the questions and doubts disappear after i met her for real. she's older than me but she's really friendly and welcome to me and i think we soon can be a good friend :D
and for the first time too..i realized: how happy it is to have work. how happy it is to know that i'll have my own money. how happy it is to know that finally i can help my parents. (^-^)

btw a few weeks ago..i got sick. maybe because of too tired. as i told before..this semester is really tiring. assigments everyday -_- leave home at the morning and back home at the night like a worker .-. it's also because the distance of my home and my campus is so far... sometimes i wanna try to live at the boarding house near my campus but there's always a reason which make me cancel it. i think..i'll go on to be like this. (~.~)

however..i realized that i have to always feel grateful. there's so many people out there who doesnt get a chance like this. i love my life anyway (eventhough sometimes i said that my life is suck -_-)..i know that im lucky :)

p/s: nowadays i feel not confident with my english. after became an english department student, i always feel something like i have a responsibility to use english well. but like u see..maybe there's grammatical error everywhere on my posts :p:( dont worry..i'll always learn and learn ><

p/s again: i think i'll change the main blog of mine. from this blog to my second blog ( it's not mean that i'll leave this blog..i'll stay. i just think i'll more often to post something there than here. so see u again :*

Friday, February 7, 2014

a new age :">

about 2 hours left until i’ll be officially 19 years old :)
idk what am i feeling right now… i’ll grow older ><
19 years old… means this will be my last ‘teen-birthday’..right ?
too excited.
i guess i’ll sleep late again tonight (just like usual) lol.

hello my self at the 19 age. can u be nice please ?
just always be better than before..okay ?
dont too overthinking anymore. dont really mind what others think about u. the important thing is..u must be a nice girl. whatever happened..u should always be ur self.
keep ur smile. ur journey still long. never give up on ur dreams.
do the best to be the best for ur-best-people.
may all ur dreams come true.
happy birthday-my self  :)

sincerely: an 18 years old girl. the old u ♥

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

how if one day...

how if one day...
i'll be the one who stop to care ?

sometimes im just tired of being a person who care too much
yet the world wont always do the same like what i do :">

Friday, January 31, 2014

a 'dead' blog.

blogwalking now. visiting some of my friend's blog here. if im on ur followers list..there's a possibility if i visited ur blog too :p

i like blog. i can online for hours just to blogging lol. some people maybe think it's so boring but for me blogging is such a fun. can be relaxing. example is when u feel lonely and it's like there's nobody want to listen u... just write it here. i call it "internet diary" hhehe. internet diary is better than "book diary" i think. because book may be lost but blog will not (except if u delete it)

book also can not respond u but in blog... people can read and give u a respond so at least u'll not feel lonely anymore.

or when u want to tell something to someone but u cant tell it directly, just write it here. that people maybe will read ur post..eventhough u cant be sure but still..there's a possibility :)

or when u have something u dont want to forget and want to save the "moment reminder" somewhere, share thoughts, and etc, u can do it here.

some people dont like to share their story on internet..they said it's for privacy. well... for that one i can understand. everyone need privacy. but for me... a girl who cant really open to everyone (except my close friends) and sometimes cant tell something directly, blog is important. because at least... i can tell the world about my mind through the internet. but ofc... i dont share everything here. i also have privacy..i just share things that i want people to know :)

reading stories or posts and viewing pictures in blog also can be relaxing, give u inspiration, teach u something and so on. beside that, designing blog also interesting hhaha

i remember the first time i start using blog, it's still 2011 and now is 2014 xD wew 3 years. sadly i dont remember the date so i dont know its "birthday". lol

i admit that now i cant be so active on blog like  i used to be. but eventhough i seldom online here and post something here... i never forget my blog. i know that im not a really good blogger. my posts is simply about what i want to write. mostly about random things maybe >< but still thankyou for my followers (to them who want to read random stuffs like this. hhehe :v)

sorry if i've ever said something wrong here and if i often leave this blog dead for a while.

btw i prefer to call "blog friends" instead of followers.

so blog are ya doing ? hope u all fine.
i found out that some blog that i followed really "dead" now. the latest post on some blogs is on a few months ago or a year ago and more. where are u eh ? -.-

it's kinda sad. especially when i really lost contact with some of them. maybe they're just too busy or lazy to play blog again ? whatever is that, i hope they all always fine.

not just friends in blog actually. but everywhere. old friends... so sad if suddenly dissapear and i cant contact them anymore :( it's just normal right ? peolpe always come and go. but i cant to not mind it.

and the one who i realy miss in here is my saengi..hee young ! T.T
it's been a really really long time i didnt talk with her. i see her never online anymore.
before, we used to chat everyday, created a post on blog for each other just-like-letters hhaha, this one is the example:

that time blog is just like our world. we used to think that blog is more fun and comfortable to talk and share thoughts than facebook or etc lol. miss her so much :')

some of my blog friends still active, some are just busy i think, some maybe have a new blog (like me who have created a new blog on wordpress also ^^"v), etc.

it's make me wonder: one day... will i do the same like them ? will i just let this blog "dead" later ?
idk. it's depends...

Monday, January 27, 2014

to: mom and dad

mom, dad, u two may never know or read this post but i’ll still write what i want you both to know in here. i just... need to spill it out. im sorry i just can write, when words cant even describe my feeling. tears just burst.

tonight im crying. when i write this, im crying...

why ?

actually it’s just because a small thing. a small thing which caused a little quarrel with you... mom.
maybe im just too childish. i take your scold too seriously. but when i think it again... no mom, it’s not just because of that. im not really sure what exactly is it, but whatever it is, it’s make me feel like im not a good daughter: always do wrong, never good in your eyes.

why mom, why ?

dont you see my effort ?

i always want to give you happiness. i always want you to be happy and see your smile. i hope you know that if your smile is like everything to me.

im never forget you even just for one second, everytime and everywhere.
when im happy because of something, you’re the first people who i told about it. never i hide my happiness from you, never i—when get something great—enjoyed it alone. always told you,  it’s just because i want you to be happy too.

i also never want to see you sad or cry. eventhough i know, sometimes i hurt your feeling because of my words or my attitude. but mom, im really never meant it! you must know that, everytime—i feel that—i hurt you, i just want to slap my self.

i also know that sometimes im naughty, didnt hear your words. but mom, im just a girl then, not an angel. i can make a fault too, but i also learnt from it. i just want to be the best, not the best people in everyone’s eyes, but at least the best for you, i want to be the best in--my best people’s eyes—mom and dad.

mom... you believe me ? your name never absent in my prayers.
mom... i love you. i know and im sure that you love me too. eventhough sometimes you scold me, i know, you did that because you want the best for me.  in it, you taught me how to be strong, taught me how to be a nice people.

from your eyes, i can see your love for me too mom. you're the woman who worried when i get sick, worried when i back home late—eventhough it’s still 7 pm x'D. mom i love you and i bet you know it.


dad, i love you too. im closer with mom than with you, but dad, my love to you is bigger than you can know.
i also know that you love me, i can feel it. eventhough you never say it to me directly, but i can see it from your actions. that’s the true love, not through the words but through the real action. i see that dad, thank you. i love you too, really.

you’re the one who always text me or call me if i back home late. mom said it’s because she told you to do that, but i know... you also will do that without she asked you. even when you’re not yet reach home, still in your work, you always text me, ask if i already in home or not, also pick me if im afraid to go home alone. dad, you are my hero.

you’re never mad or angry or scold at me, and even if yes, not as much as mom did. you even always defend me when i got scolded from mom, but then you’ll give advice to me. your words always make me calm and get motivated. your way is smooth but wise and make me obey you.

im sorry dad, if maybe i’ve ever hurted your feeling too. sorry if i’ve ever dissapointed you. thanks for always understand me and patient with me :')

dad, i like your way to take care of me like that. i want you to always take care of me but i realized... i’ll grow up. dad, your little girl will be a woman. i just want to make sure that i will be a perfect woman... in you and mom’s eyes. and i will be the one who take care of you and mom later :)


it’s too much. too much things that you both have done to me.
i’ll never feel enough to say “thanks”.
maybe it’s also too much disappoinment that i give.
and i also will never feel enough to say “sorry”.


thanks and sorry thanks and sorry thanks and sorry :''')
i love you both i love you both i love you both !!! {{{}}}


im your only daughter. your only kid.
that’s why i should not dissapoint you :}
wait for me mom and dad. always beside me in my way to reach my dreams.
you two are the reason why i always keep strong. the reason why i always keep spirit, because one of my dreams is always see ur smile. make mom and dad happy :’)


like i said before. words will never enough, i cant describe my feeling more.
but you got the point right ? thats i love you and always want to make you happy.

sincerely: the girl who always love u

Saturday, January 11, 2014

2nd blog ^^"

now i just want to introduce my new blog: hhehe ^^ i made it a few weeks ago. idk why..i feel like want to create a new one. a blog which more mature than this blog (?) :3 lol but don't worry. I'LL NEVER LEAVE THIS BLOG :*

i'll still update here like usual (if i have free time and something to share ofc :v)

eventhough im not sure if i'll often update too x'D idk. i feel a little confused after i created a new blog like: when to post there and when to post here also what to post there and here ? lol forgive me ><