Saturday, March 23, 2013

imma directoner :D

hey readers ^ ^/ aku mau membuat sebuah pengakuan bahwa aku adalah seorang directioner sekarang (y) :D sepertinya aku telah terkena virus 1D oleh teman-temanku terutama reikha dan elsa yang merupakan directioners sejati di kelas. hhaha ._.v's so hard to not fallin' in love with them..i mean One Direction :* they're so awesome ! if u know them..u'll agree with me ;) but..oh gosh who dunno about them ? if u dunno..lets  just search it in internet :)

awalnya aku juga gatau. bukannya gatau tapi gatau banget. hhehe tapi beberapa teman dekatku di kampus suka banget sama mereka. awalnya aku biasa-biasa aja. aku bukan tipe orang yang suka ikut-ikutan. tapi setelah mendengarkan beberapa lagu mereka..aku jadi terkesan :3 dan setelah mencoba mengenal mereka, mengenal para anggotanya kayak gimana, sifat mereka, kebiasaan mereka (terutama dari majalah khusus 1D yang dibawa sischa), terus dengerin semua lagunya..aku jadi suka ! they're so talented and so nice also friendly to their fans and everyone :3 ada sesuatu dalam diri mereka yang membuatnya beda dengan yang lain. the reason why i like them is because i dun have any reason to not like them. hhaha  :D

aku ingat pertama kali aku tau 1D itu pas SMA kelas 3. dikasih tau sama yayas. waktu lagi di depan lab IPA yayas bilang "sun ada lagu baru nih..enak deh. coba dengerin" *lagi ngomongin lagu what makes u beautiful*. waktu itu aku udah suka lagunya tapi ga terlalu ngeh ato mencoba untuk mencari tau siapa penyanyinya. baru setelah kuliah dan mengenal 1D aku jadi directioner. si yayas sampe kaget dengernya. hhaha lebay :p soalnya kan dia taunya aku pecinta K-Pop dan J-Pop. masih kok sampe sekarang dan kapanpun ;) aku itu netral. ga condong ato fanatik ke musik jenis ini ato jenis itu..pokoknya musik apapun yang enak didenger menurutku, aku pasti suka. karena pada dasarnya aku ini emang pecinta musik ^o^

however i must say thanks to the one who introduce 1D to me (y). but remember..i like 1D not because of my friends or anyone. i always have my own reason when i like something :) buktinya selama ini dicekokin lagu-lagu David Archuletta sama yayas aku ga terpengaruh. hhaha suka sih tapi ga semuanya *dikeplak yayas* xD

ok. i think it's enough. see u on my next post ^-^/ but wait .. i wanna ask : are u a direconer too ? say yesss ! wew directioners everywhere ;);)


  1. Oooo haha I adore this post sun! 'cause there's my name! LOL XD yea I can agree that 1D is awesome Boyband but i don't know why I prefer loving my husband "David Archuleta" than them.. lolol haha but don't worry sun, cause zayn malik would be my next BF ;D I'm mad right? yea don't care. haha

    1. LOL xD dun dream ! hhaha better u be faithful to david la yas ;p

  2. Hey! thanx for following my blog! ^.^ you have a really cute blog, so I followed it. I'd love 2 be friends! You like kpop too?

    1. aw thank u >.< u have a really nice blog too <3

      im glad to be ur friend :D what should i call u ? u can call me sunny :) and yea imma k-popers. hhaha hbu ?

    2. u can call me Una. \^.^/ Sure its a really cute name! yeah, the only kpopper in my family so all my bros think im weird. XD what's ur fav band?

  3. ok una..cute name ;D and wew ur bro did that ? hhaha well mostly boys dun like k-pop (i think bcz of they envy with their handsomeness and many girls love them) hhaha just my opinion :p im sure they have their own reason too :) my fav band is FT.Island. u know ? :D hbu ?

    1. My bros like some uv the music but they think the bands are girly somtimes. \-_-/ so i pound them for saying that. XD Lee Honki from that playing in You're Beautiful, rite? i havent heard many of their fav band is...probably Nu'Est. Ren my bias of all time. ;D

  4. hhaha i see xD yeap..i love all of their songs..hhaha it's so nice. try to listen it ;) oh Nu'Est. they're also cool :D my bias is hongki ofc xD u like to watch korean drama too ?

    1. i've only watched You're Beautiful and half of Heartstrings bcause i have to watch em on the computer and mi mom doesnt let me watch 16 hours of em too often. ;D But i have a list of dramas i'd like to watch. :)

  5. i also seldom to watch it now..kinda busy with my study -.- hhaha btw i read ur posts on ur blog and find that u like to read and writing stories too ? also like 1D ? we have a lot of same fav things xD

  6. luv to write stories is closer. XD One Direction? OMG, yes!!!! =D I have several of their songs on my computer; I luv their one Little Things it's my fav!! :) You like to write 2?

  7. yeah One Direction. i have almost ALL of their songs. hhaha xD and little things is my fav too ;) yes i like to write..i wanna be a writer actually and still have to learn for it :D have u wrote a story ? i'd love to read it if u let me :p

  8. :) really? So do i! =D I'm glad u followed my blog I'd love to get to know you better. :) Yeah, I've written a couple; actually I'm writing 1 rite now. :) i'd like to let u read it but i'm not allowed 2 give out my email. :(

  9. hhaha yeah..hope we can be bestfriend :p
    really ? about what ? i wanna read >.< hhehe why dun u write it on ur blog ?

  10. its urban fantasy, with monster hunters and Fey. :) Fun 2 write. well, i can't put all of it on mi blog, but I'll put my fav bits up. :)

  11. i've read it. it's nice ;D sam and dean is brothers rite ? they reminds me to the characters on a film..but it's ghost hunters xD i like fantasy stories (y) thanks for let me to read ur story..i'll write my story in here too later. but it's in indonesian..u wont understand xD wait until i write it in english hhehe :)

  12. I can use google translate. XD yeah, they're bros. What movie does it remind you of?

  13. erm supranatural :D u know that movie ? aha google translate..the meaning will not really clear ._. anw my english not really good rite ? im sorry for my bad english..still learning hhehe x'D

  14. OMW its a tv show not a movie but yeah!! those two bros are the models for my bros! :D im not gonna watch the show but i liked Dean and Sam so i wanted my own set of bros like that!! :) And your english is FINE. :)

  15. hhaha nah im rite xD they're cool..but i prefer sam than dean :p hhoho thank u una..u're so friendly >.< btw where do u live ? i saw ur photos on one of ur posts about gemma..looks so beautiful. i like a place like that c:
